Woman meditating at sunset.

How Integrated Is Your Spiritual Life?

The LFI is designed to provide deep insights into one’s readiness and availability for intimate loving relationships.  It does a good job at that. However, there is also a deeper level of information imbedded in the results about one’s depth of spiritual development and the extent to which an individual can successfully manifest his/her degree of spiritual realization.

What is Spirituality?

Spirituality is more than one’s religious views and beliefs.  It is about the actual experience and expression of spirit in everyday life.  Having a depth of inner realization is one thing, however, it is also important to integrate one’s spiritual realization into everyday life.  In my LA Times’ Bestselling book, “Sacred Healing: Integrating Spirituality with Psychotherapy,” I discuss Spiritual Development and Pathological Narcissism. I attempt to explain why seemingly advanced spiritual beings can act in such selfish, hurtful, manipulative, and destructive ways.

It has been said, “The depth of your spirituality is tested in the true light of day.”  There is great wisdom expressed in this one sentence.  How you live your life will reveal the extent that any spiritual realization is integrated into the self.

The soul, the individualized aspect of God, and the personality can function at different levels. They do not always reflect the same degree of development. If you have not done the work on yourself at a personality level, your spiritual life will not be enough.  In fact, the more spiritual power you have may only create serious life problems if you have not resolved your emotional issues. You can have a lot of spiritual power but may not have the necessary maturity and personal development to responsibly manage it. The LFI assess both the psychological and spiritual dimension in an attempt to help you live a more integrated life and be the best person you can be!

Interpretive Report

The initial interpretive report of the LFI has a strong grounding in the psychological. We look at down to earth qualities that have been shown to impact the development and ability to sustain intimate, loving relationships. As a former practicing psychologist, healer, and spiritual development coach, I know that one’s psychological and spiritual development are inter-related; each helps the other.

The LFI does have a Spirituality Scale, however, there are other scales that also directly relate to and shed light regarding the extent to which a person’s spiritual development is manifested in everyday life.  When we look at all the related scales, we can gain a better understanding of one’s personal integration and can highlight areas that could be improved.

If you are interested in practical self-development, psychologically and spiritually, then this information can be very helpful. If you answered the items honestly, you will see your strengths and the areas which might need some improvement.   Introspection and self-awareness will lead to change if you so desire. Your sincere connection to Spirit will help you. The Bible says, “Ask and you shall receive.”  If you sincerely ask from the depth of your heart for help, you will get it. In my book, Sacred Healing: Integrating Spirituality with Psychotherapy, I discuss how the power of spiritual awareness and consciousness can accelerate change at every level: mind, body, emotions, and soul.

Let’s look at the LFI scales that relate to your spiritual development and expression. Please use the links below to view each section.

The Need and Benefits

The world is in crisis and many people live in fear, anger, and separation. People hold cherished beliefs and use those beliefs to justify hurting others and acting violently.  ­­This information can help you enhance your ability to contribute more love, compassion and understanding to a troubled world.

Your LFI results will help you realistically assess how you are representing your deeper values with your loved ones. I have known too many people who believe and express they are “spiritual.”  Yet, in spite of their self-belief, they treat those closest to them with disrespect, contempt, and are often judging others. They behave in selfish ways and expect others to support and nurture them. When their needs and desires are not met, anger is quick to follow.

There are those who look great in public, do charitable work to help those in need and are held in high esteem by others. However, these public relationships tend to be impersonal and do not reveal the real deeper nature of one’s being. How someone appears in “public” is not necessarily how they are in private.

Take a deeper look at your relationship skills and develop the kind of loving relationships you want.