Mindfulness Meditation and More!

  • Have you tried meditation, but it did not work for you?
  • Do want to learn how to meditate, but don’t know where to go?
  • Would you like to learn more advanced meditation techniques for self-healing?
  • Do you want to lower your stress and have more inner peace?
  • Do you have trouble concentrating and maintaining focus?


I have been practicing and teaching meditation for almost 50 years. I have selected the best audio and video programs I have created in my work as a spiritual teacher, sport’s psychologist, Executive Coach, and healer and created an online meditation training program for basic to advanced meditation training.


People often tell me that have tried meditation, but it does not work for them. It turns out they are not using good techniques that actually work. If you don’t have proper training and good techniques, you will not get the results you want.


The Mindfulness Meditation program has more than 4 hours of guided meditations which provide training for mindfulness, chakra energy awakening, stress reduction, end of life support for Hospice patients, personal awakening and more!


This program is worth more than $300.00 and I have offering this for only $24.95! 


If you would like to learn more and hear a sample, please go to https://ronmann.com/courses/meditation/.


If you have any questions, please contact me at mannr@ronmann.com


Blessings of Peace and Love,

Ronald L Mann, Ph.D.